spacer Software Improvements Pty Ltd
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Process Improvement Services


Software Process Improvement (SPI) is recognised as the basis for competitive software development and acquisition capabilities. Software engineers at Software Improvements have long recognised the significant benefits that result from the explicit definition, measurement and management of software processes.

Our name, Software Improvements, reflects a company commitment to SPI. We closely follow, and learn from, the process improvement work of organisations such as the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and the Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE) initiative. To maintain up-to-date information for our clients, we have established partnership arrangements with several highly experienced Australian and US based consultants, whose experience also includes CMMI.

Mentoring in all aspects of SPI can be provided at a practical level and an effective path to improvement identified to meet clients' requirements.

The outcomes of SPI are improved software process and product quality; reduced time-to-market; and increased productivity. To see how your organisation can use models such as the CMMI and the ISO standards to achieve these outcomes, contact us.